We are about 8 weeks into the covid-19 global pandemic. Life has slowed down dramatically and we’ve learned a lot. Here in Arkansas, we are now moving towards re-opening the state to business and so far, thankfully, we are seeing good results.
I can’t even imagine the stress all of this has been on those expecting babies! This particular momma-to-be is expecting her first baby in late June. My heart sunk when she told me all her baby shower plans had to be cancelled due to the social distancing restrictions. She was excited, though, to have some maternity pictures taken in her backyard. Knowing we could social distance outside & I would be using my long lens, I was comfortable moving forward with her session. What I didn’t know was how her backyard would work for her session. Here’s the backyard pictures she sent me before her session.
I could see the patch of shade in the corner of her yard and figured that would be a good place to start. Can I just say - wow!! The corner spot was better than expected!! Honestly, looking back, I wouldn’t have picked another spot!
Photo locations can be super tricky. You have to not only figure out how to utilize landscape & hardscape pieces but what about that giant ball in the sky?!! I have to be ready for the sun to be behind clouds and I also have to be ready to keep harsh shadows off my subject. I am a huge fan of morning light. There’s a morning newness in the sunrise and I think that’s why it’s my favorite time to shoot, with the right location of course.
Ah, I love the final pictures from this session and can’t wait for their baby boy to make his grand entrance this summer! Here’s some more from their session below. :)